Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today was just one of THOSE days!!

Today was one of those days that made me hate living here....everything is such a hassle. Let me give you a run through of how it went.

I woke up at 9:30 (I know, I really need to get on that job search) and decided that I would go to Target for some miscellaneous things. Well normally I could just jump in my car and drive to Target and be back home in 1-2 hours max, but that is not how things work when you live in the city.

First, I had to walk down 5 flights of stairs (we live on the 5th floor of a walk-up brownstone) and then walk 7 blocks to the subway just to got a few stops to the Target. Once I get to Target I am already exhausted and by now forgotten what I even went for. I wander around the store for an hour and wind up just spending money that I shouldn't have (ooops). There is a store called Daffy's right by Target. I had never seen this store before moving here, but it is awesome!!! They have great designer fashions at GREAT prices...I probably shouldn't have went in but next thing you knew I had spent $150 dollars...but I definitely got a lot for my money. After Daffy's came the venture home!! I make my way back to the subway and have to wait 45 minutes for the subway to come while waiting in the heat with no fresh air circulating. The subway finally comes and then I make the 7 block walk home and up 5 flights of stairs juggling all of my purchases from Daffy's and Target. And of course just as I get upstairs at 1:00 pm I realize that I didn't get the one thing that I really needed, Father's Day cards for our dads...ugh!!

I guess I am done my rant about my oh so difficult life in Brooklyn (yes, I am being sarcastic because I know that it isn't that bad)....the moral of my story is do not take your car for granted!! I would give anything to jump in my car that is parked directly outside of my house and run my errands!!

I hope everyone else's day is going better than mine.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Oh wow, that does sound really inconvenient. How do people in big cities without cars even buy groceries? I guess they just shop more frequently and less at a time.